Informal Contractions in English
Would you like to sound more like a native English speaker? If yes, then its time to learn informal contractions English speakers to help you sound more like a native English speaker.
In this lesson, you will learn how to pronounce contractions English speakers use while speaking in English, to help you sound more like a native English speaker.
Watch the video lesson to learn Informal contractions in English to sound more like a native English speaker
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What’s a contraction?
A contraction is created when two words in a row come together and become one.
For example:
I am=I’m
It is = It’s
Do not = Don’t
These are some of the contractions which are accepted as grammatically correct and are taught in all English courses.
In this lesson, we will be focusing on the informal contractions, which are not usually taught in grammar textbooks and in courses.. These are not taught in grammar books, because their use is mostly colloquial. These are informal contractions which you will hear English speakers using all the time in spoken form,
Gonna=”Going to” in the simple future.
Avoid making Common mistakes with Gonna:
Some students say “I gonna” or “I’m gonna to”which is incorrect!
The correct form is always “I’m gonna”.
For example:
I gotta go now
I gotta do my homework
I gotta visit my family
Wanna=want + verb (can be followed by a verb or a noun)
For example:
I wanna run
Do you wanna run
I wanna new bike
I wanna new phone
Sometimes you’ll notice that the subject, in the beginning, disappears in questions.
For example:
Instead of saying “Do you wanna run?” you may hear English speakers say: “Wanna run?” or “You wanna run?”
Gotta – short for “I’ve got to.” Or “got to”
For example:
I gotta go
I gotta do my homework
Doncha, Don’t cha, Dontcha=Don’t you?
 For example:
Doncha wanna run?
Gimme = give me
  For example:
Gimme a book
Gimme a pen
Kinda =kind of
Kinda happy
Kina sorry
Lemme= let me
 Lemme see that
Lemme have a look at that
Dunno=Don’t know
 I dunno
I dunno what to do
Whatcha/ What’cha = what are you/what you/what do you
 Whatcha doing?
Watcha wanna do today?
‘cos = because
 I’m sad ‘cos it’s raining
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