Top 10 misconceptions about British People (Interview with OLA English with Greg)

Have you heard of the top 10 common misconceptions about British people?
Do you have any misconceptions about British people? I know that I do….
In this #UsingEnglishTP podcast episode, Greg OLA English with Greg to talk about the Top 10 common misconceptions people generally have about British people.
Together, Greg and I break down misconceptions such as:
British food is awful
British people drink tea all the time
British people drink warm, flat beer
British people speak like the queen
It rains all the time in the UK.
It’s always foggy in London
British people have bacon and eggs for breakfast. Every day.
British people all love the Queen
It’s really expensive in the UK
British people are unfriendly
This podcast episode provides you with English listening practice so that you can hear both the Australian and British accent talking about these misconceptions
In this episode, you’ll learn…
 Learn how the top 10 misconceptions people have about British people
 You will listen to both the Australian and British accent talking about the top 10 misconceptions people have about British people
 You will learn new vocabulary and expressions you can use when talking about misconceptions people have about British people
Listen (and download) the episode below:
Learn more about Greg…
If you love Greg and would like to learn more about his work, get in touch with him!  You can find Greg on his Website, and YouTube Channel
Listen (and watch) us talking about the top 10 misconceptions about British people with subtitles below…
Make sure to turn on subtitles by clicking the CC button if you are struggling to follow the lesson 🙂
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Continue improving your English by joining the discussion below in the comments by answering this questions:
1. Would you like to visit the UK and why?
2. Have you ever heard of these stereotypes?
 Leave your answers in the discussion belowÂ
Maybe good
Glad it helps 🙂
Let’s get the discussion started here by answering these questions…
1. Would you like to visit the UK and why?
2. Have you ever heard of these stereotypes?
Remember to add in as much detail as possible 🙂
P.S. if we get 25 replies to this lesson, I will do a new pronunciation quiz on Instagram! Just do it 🙂
1. Yes! I would love to visit the UK. I think the nature is beautiful, each part is special in its own way, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England… I like the British accent, too! And the UK is full of history. I would love to experience that.
2. Yes, I have heard of these stereotypes, and I believe some of them, for example, that it is quite expensive. But I believe most of them are not based on the truth
Yes, stereotypes exist for many things and also people 😛 Where are you from Ana?
thanks for the very insightful post.
I would love to visit the UK one day, i am a fan of their accents so would love to here it everyday on the streets. There also seems to be a lot to see and visit as a tourist- one being the London bridge.
Yes, i used to believe that British people drank tea for breakfast, lunch and tea. but i guess this might just be a stereotype,
looking forward to more posts!
Thanks Alicia for being here and for your detailed reply 🙂 Wow, the Lond Bridge would be amazing to see! Do you have any plans to visit the UK soon?
I would love to visit UK! I’m curious mostly about everything that can be seen there. Here in Croatia, main misconceptions are that there is raining all the time and that there very expensive for living. But based on what I’ve heard from my friends livig there it gets expensive if you eat and drink out. My friend told me few days ago that she is working part time as a stident and that she is able to cover all the ex0enses every month. It’s not that you have more money but it’s enough for decent livig. We also make jokes about English drinking tea all the time but we are fully aware that they don’t ☺
This one with beer confused me… Jere we have misconceptio (or truth maybe) that British beers are one of the best in the world. Also we somehow drawn from our persinal experiemces, moatly with Irish people and Scots that drink NO WORM BEER but nice, perfectly cooled, from pipes inthe pubs 😛 Don’t know about people from England though…
Hmmm personally I am not a beer drinker, and have no clue how to answer you on this one :S I will ask Greg about this and get back to you 🙂
Do you have any plans to go to the UK anytime soon?
Thanks for being here and for participating in the discussion 🙂
Please do, ’cause I am curious about what is the real truth about British people and beer. heh 🙂
Hmmm, I might by the end of this year or next year. Met a few new friends recently who are currently living in Cambridge, so we’ll see 🙂
Yes, I really like to visit UK, because I love their accent, their culture and all those green landscapes… It has lots of places that I want to see like William Shakespeare’s birthplace, Buckingham Palace, Roman Baths, Stonehenge and many others.
about the stereotypes, yes I’ve heard that they drink tea very much, eat bacon and eggs every day, and that they are unfriendly and arrogant and the weather is always rainy.
In the end, I wanna thank you for your post, your creativity and the positive energy that you give to us every day.
Hey Saeed! I would love to visit these places you have mentioned…. do you have any plans to go to the UK anytime soon?
Thanks for your kind words and I am glad my lessons help you!
Currently, I don’t have any plans, because I have many other things that I should do first… like completing my master’s thesis, submitting my articles, finding a good university with a good scholarship in Europe and Canada to study Ph.D., saving enough money and so on.
Hi Adriana,
I’ve heard that living in UK is really expensive! But still be just a stereotype. So, is it true or not?
About your questions,
1.Yeah, I would like to visit UK. I love trying new staff and know about new cultures.
This is Meryam, from Morocco.
Hey Mery! Please listen to the podcast episode in this post. Greg explains these stereotypes fantastically! Nice to see you here Meryam 🙂