How to Pronounce Contractions in English
How to Pronounce Contractions in English? Improve your English Pronunciation and speaking skills by learning how to pronounce the most common contractions. In this English pronunciation lesson, we will go through common contractions in the English language found with the words: be, would, will and have, to help you improve your English speaking skills and sound more natural speaking in English.
Watch the video lesson to learn how to pronounce contractions in English
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Below you will find a list of the English contractions we will go through in the video lesson. Make sure to watch the whole video lesson to hear the pronunciation of these contractions.
Contractions in English with BE:
I’m = I am
You’re = You are
He’s= He is
She’s = She is
It’s = It is
We’re = We are
They’re = They are
That’s = That is
Who’s = Who is
What’s = What is
What’re = What are
Where’s = Where is
When’s = When is
Why’s = Why is
How’s = How is
Contractions in English with WILL
I’ll = I will
You’ll = You will
He’ll = He will
She’ll = She will
It’ll = It will
We’ll = We will
They’ll = They will
That’ll = That will
Who’ll = Who will
What’ll = What will
Where’ll = Where will
When’ll = When will
Why’ll = Why will
How’ll = How will
Contractions in English with WOULD
I’d = I would
You’d = You would
He’d = He would
She’d = She would
It’d = It would
We’d = We would
They’d = They would
That’d = That would
Who’d = Who would
What’d = What would
 Contractions in English with HAVE
I’ve = I have
You’ve = You have
He’s = He has
She’s = She has
It’s = It has
We’ve = We have
They’ve = They have
That’s = That has
Who’s = Who has
What’s = What has
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