IELTS Speaking Part 1

by | Nov 28, 2018 | English Grammar Lesson | 2 comments

Are you preparing for the IELTS exam, but you’re a little nervous about the IELTS Speaking Section?  It’s only normal to feel a little anxious and worries, as English is your second language and your being examined on your skills. But there are ways to help you prepare and score high on the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Section.  In this lesson, we will be going through 3 tips to help you score high on the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Section.   Together we will go through the marking criteria, how to prepare for the IELTS Speaking Part 1 and do’s and dont’s of the IELTS Speaking Part 1

Watch the video lesson to learn how to score high on the IELTS Speaking Part 1

Make sure to turn on subtitles by clicking the CC button if you are struggling to follow the lesson 🙂

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Below you will find notes from the video lesson to help you score high on the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Section

The IELTS Speaking Part 1 marking criteria

  1. Pronunciation: that the examiner is able to be understood you through the test.  You are able to use intonation throughout the spoken test and that your accent does not affect understanding.  You will also be marked on your accurate word and sound pronunciation.
  2. Fluency: do you make many pauses when speaking, are you speaking freely or stopping and starting consistently
  3. Vocabulary: are you able to use a wide range of vocabulary, or do you use the same basic vocabulary over and over again.
  4. Grammar and Accuracy

…. now I’ve probably scared you, but remember, just think of it like your meeting somebody new for the first time, but you are going to want to prepare for this exam a little more than just meeting someone new.

The IELTS exam is expensive, you need to pass to move abroad, get a job, study abroad, use these tips to help you prepare for the IELTS Speaking Part 1

How to prepare for IELTS Speaking Part 1


1. Write down common questions…

2. Answer the common questions…

3. Get feedback from a teacher …


The next 3 steps are crucial to really score high on the IELTS Speaking Part 1


4. Review your answers every day…

5. Record yourself answering the questions…

6. Talk to yourself in front of a mirror…

7. Listen to an English speaker reading your answers…

8. Role-play the test with English Speakers…

9. Find a teacher or native to speak with…


7 Do’s and Don’t to score high on the IELTS Speaking Part 1


1. Don’t memorize Do sound natural

2. Don’t be lazy Do prepare

3. Don’t be nervous Do be confident

4. Don’t talk like a robot Do use your personality

5. Don’t whisper Do regulate your voice

6. Don’t answer YES or NO Do add detail

7. Don’t worry about mistakes Do fix them in future answers


Watch the whole video to better understand how to use these tips and tricks to score high on the IELTS Speaking Part 1

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